The number 1406357289, rather than just being a 0-9 pan-digital number, also has an interesting property:
We can find the sum of all such 0-9 pan-digital numbers with this property, as demonstrated below:
A simple brute force approach with slight optimization would work seamlessly here. We will iterate through each permutation of 0-9 pan-digital number and check condition for each of them.
to be even, d4
must be even.d4d5d6
to be a multiple of 5, d6
must be 0 or 5."""Coded by - Armaan Nougai"""from itertools import permutationsdatas=list(map(lambda j: ''.join(j) ,list(permutations('0123456789'))))ans=0for number in datas:if int(number[3])%2==0 and int(number[5])%5==0:if int(number[1:4])%2==0 and int(number[2:5])%3==0 and int(number[3:6])%5==0 and int(number[4:7])%7==0 and int(number[5:8])%11==0 and int(number[6:9])%13==0 and int(number[7:10])%17==0:ans+=int(number)print(ans)