What is PyTorch DataLoader?


In 2016, Facebook's artificial intelligence research team created an open-source machine learning platform named PyTorch. It is built on the Lua-written Torch library, which is a framework for scientific computing.

Due to its simplicity, adaptability, and dynamic computational graph, PyTorch has grown swiftly to rank among the most popular deep learning frameworks. It is intended to make it easier for researchers and developers to create and train neural networks using a straightforward and understandable Python API.

Large-scale machine learning projects benefit from PyTorch's ability to handle distributed training across numerous GPUs and nodes as well as its array of tools and capabilities. Also, it has a sizable and vibrant user and contributor community, which has sparked the creation of numerous beneficial libraries and extensions.

The DataLoader class

In PyTorch, DataLoader is a built-in class that provides an efficient and flexible way to load data into a model for training or inference. It is particularly useful for handling large datasets that cannot fit into memory, as well as for performing data augmentation and preprocessing.

The DataLoader class works by creating an iterable dataset object and iterating over it in batches, which are then fed into the model for processing. The dataset object can be created from a variety of sources, including NumPy arrays, PyTorch tensors, and custom data sources such as CSV files or image directories.

For us to be able to use the DataLoader class, we first need to define the dataset object and specify any necessary transformations or preprocessing steps. For example, we may need to resize images, normalize pixel values, or perform data augmentation. Once we have defined our dataset object, we can create a DataLoader object by passing in the dataset object and specifying the batch size and any other relevant parameters.


For a better understanding, let us consider how we can make use of the DataLoader class in PyTorch:

import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, TensorDataset
# Define some sample data
X = torch.randn(1000, 10) # input features
y = torch.randint(0, 2, (1000, 1)) # binary labels
# Create a TensorDataset object from the data
dataset = TensorDataset(X, y)
# Create a DataLoader object with batch size 32
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True)
# Iterate over the dataloader and print out some batches
for i, (batch_x, batch_y) in enumerate(dataloader):
print(f"Batch {i}: input shape {batch_x.shape}, label shape {batch_y.shape}")


  • Line 1: We import the PyTorch library torch.

  • Line 2: We also import the DataLoader, TensorDataset class into the project.

  • Line 5: We define some sample data consisting of "1000" input features X.

  • Line 6: We create a tensor y with "1000" rows and "1" column, where each element is a random integer, either "0" or "1". Where "0" is the lower bound of the random values, "2" is the upper bound of the random values, and "(1000,1)" is the size of the tensor we want to generate.

  • Line 9: We create a TensorDataset object from the data.

  • Line 12: Next, we create a DataLoader object with a batch size of "32" and set the shuffle parameter to True to randomize the order of the data. The DataLoader object takes in the TensorDataset object we created earlier and splits it into batches of the specified size.

  • Line 15: Finally, we iterate over the DataLoader object using a for loop and print out the shape of each batch of inputs and labels. In this case, each batch will have 32 input features and 32 binary labels.


The PyTorch DataLoader, as we have discussed in this answer, is quite interesting and very helpful. It has several use cases that range from training and validation of deep learning models, to data preprocessing and augmentation, distributed training, and more.

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