What is RabbitMQ?

RabbitMQ is an open-source, distributed message broker that implements the Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP version 0-9-1). It was developed in 2007 and written in the Erlang programming language, famous for powering the open telecom platform. It is a tool that allows microservices to communicate asynchronously with various protocols.

The message model

In RabbitMQ, the producerThe service that produces the messages. produces a message to exchange instead of producing directly to a message queue. The exchange is a type of post office. It receives all the messages and distributes them according to how they are addressed. An exchange can be either connected to a single queue or many queues. The queues are then connected to the consumersThe service that consumes the messages sent by queues..

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The message-passing process takes place in the following steps:

  1. The producer with a specific routing key sends the message to the exchange.

  2. The exchange is connected to queues through connections called bindings. The binding key can reference these bindings.

  3. Then the consumers subscribe to the queues.

Types of exchanges

The exchange compares the two keys depending on the type of exchange.

  • Fanout exchange: The producer produces a message to the exchange, and the exchange duplicates the message and sends it to every queue it knows about.

Fanout exchange
Fanout exchange
  • Direct exchange: The producer produces a message, and its routing key gets compared with the binding key. The message moves through the system accordingly if it's an exact match.

Direct exchange
Direct exchange
  • Topic exchange: A partial match is done between the routing key and the binding key. So, if we had a routing key on the message called ship.shoes and the binding key on the message is called ship.any, the message gets routed through the particular queue.

Topic exchange
Topic exchange
  • Header exchange: The routing key is ignored completely, and the message is moved through the system according to the header.

Header exchange
Header exchange
  • Default (Nameless) exchange: It is unique only to RabbitMQ, not to AMQP. The routing key gets tied to the name of the queue itself. For instance, if the message has a routing key called inv, and there is a queue named inv then the message gets routed to that particular queue.

Default (nameless) exchange
Default (nameless) exchange

Advantages of using RabbitMQ

  • The flexibility with which the messages can move through the system highlights the benefits of RabbitMQ. It owes to the different types of exchanges available.

  • It is cloud-friendly and ensures good security.

  • The developer and the application have more control of message movement through the system than the broker administrator, as in other message brokers.

  • Messaging through RabbitMQ improves the system's performance and scalability and encourages loose coupling.

  • RabbitMQ can perform cross-language communication. For example, if the producer produces a message, it can be consumed by one consumer in JavaScript and another in Python.

  • It can be run as a cluster, which makes it fault-tolerant, highly available, and has high throughput.

  • It does message acknowledgments. When a message is in a queue, it stays there until the consumer lets the broker know it has received it.


Hence, RabbitMQ is frequently employed in several industries and application scenarios like distributed systems, microservices architectures, and cloud-based systems. It is known for developing scalable and dependable message-passing mechanisms due to its versatile services as a powerful message broker.

Let's test your knowledge about RabbitMQ message exchanges:

Match The Answer
Select an option from the left-hand side

Direct Exchange

Routing key is same as binding key

Topic Exchange

Routing key has same name as queue

Default Exchange

Routing key = deck.shoes and binding key = deck.any

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