What is Reagent in ClojureScript?

Key takeaways:

  1. Reagent is a front-end library in ClojureScript that acts as a wrapper around React, simplifying React’s complexities with a more user-friendly interface.

  2. Reagent uses ClojureScript’s data structures to represent HTML components, allowing developers to build dynamic, responsive UIs with less complexity.

  3. Reagent components are defined as functions that return Hiccup-style data structures, making UI design intuitive.

  4. Reagent introduces reactive atoms to manage component states, enabling reactivity by using the @ symbol to dereference atom values.

  5. Event handling in Reagent is simple, using the on-eventname syntax for interaction, such as button clicks.

Reagent is a powerful front-end library of ClojureScript that works as a wrapper around React. When we say it “works as a wrapper,” we mean that Reagent offers an advanced, user-friendly, and more abstract interface for interacting with React’s complex functionalities.

Note: Clojure is a programming language that runs on a Java virtual machine (JVM). ClojureScript is a library that allows Clojure to compile into JavaScript. Reagent is related to ClojureScript.

Using Reagent, we can build dynamic and responsive UI elements while keeping the complexity of our code to a minimum.

Reagent usage

In ClojureScript, Reagent offers an intuitive and clear syntax for designing user interface components. This library uses Clojure data structures to represent HTML components. Here are different ways to use Reagent for various purposes:

  • Importing the Reagent namespace (ns): We import the library to use its functions.

(ns myapp.core
[reagent.core :as reagent]))
  • Defining Reagent components: We define the components as functions that return Hiccup-styleThis allows us to represent HTML-like structures using Clojure data structures. data structures.

(defn sample []
[:div [:h2 "Loreum ipsum"]])
(defn sample2 []
[:p "this is a para"]
;; you can define the components (like we did for sample and use it in another
;; component )
  • Reactivity using Reagent atoms for state management: Reagent components can be reactive by controlling their state with reactive atoms. The @ symbol is used to dereference the atom’s current value after it has been created by the reagent.core/atom function.

(defn counter-component []
(let [counter (reagent/atom 0)]
[:p "Counter value: " @counter]
{:on-click #(swap! counter inc)}
  • Event handling: For event handling, we use the on-eventname syntax for a button click, as shown below:

{:on-click #(swap! counter inc)}

Code example

Here is an example of a simple Reagent application. Click the app URL provided below to see the output:

(ns myapp.core
      [reagent.core :as r]
      [reagent.dom :as d]))

;; -------------------------
;; Views

(defn home-page []
  [:div [:h2 "Welcome to Reagent"]])

;; -------------------------
;; Initialize app

(defn mount-root []
  (d/render [home-page] (.getElementById js/document "app")))

(defn ^:export init! []
Reagent application

Note: On your initial attempt, this application might take a few minutes (e.g. 1 – 2 minutes) to load. Please wait for the terminal to print Build completed before accessing the link.

Code explanation

  • Line 1: We declare the namespace myapp.core. In ClojureScript (as well as in Clojure), namespaces are used to organize and group related code.

  • Lines 2–4: The :require directive is used to load external libraries and namespaces into the current namespace. In this case, we import reagent.core and reagent.dom.

  • Lines 9–10: We define a Reagent component called home-page. It’s a function that returns a Reagent vector representing a UI element. In this case, we use a div element with an h2 heading inside it. The syntax used here is called Hiccup.

  • Lines 15–16: We define the mount-root function. When called, it renders the home-page component into the DOM using Reagent’s d/render method. The d/render function accepts two arguments: The component to be rendered (in this case, home-page) and the target DOM element (identified by its ID) where the component should be rendered. It renders the home-page component into the DOM element with the ID "app" in this example.

  • Lines 18–19: We use :export init! to initialize the application. When the ClojureScript code is generated, the metadata export indicates that this function will be available for transfer to JavaScript. When init! is called, the mount-root function is invoked, which renders the home-page component and starts the program.

Try it out

Explore different Reagent component tags and their combinations to learn more about Reagent’s possibilities. Watch how these components combine to create user experiences that are dynamic and captivating. As you explore Reagent’s capacity to easily design stunning layouts, let your creativity run free.


  • Reagent in ClojureScript provides a user-friendly and abstract interface that makes it easier to interact with React’s complexity. It makes use of the data structures in ClojureScript to generate dynamic UI elements with a minimum amount of code. Functionalities of Reagent mentioned above include defining components using functions, managing reactivity through atoms for state control, and event handling.

Frequently asked questions

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What is the difference between Clojure and ClojureScript?

Clojure runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and interacts with Java libraries, while ClojureScript compiles to JavaScript and is mainly used for web development to interact with JavaScript environments like browsers.

Is ClojureScript dead?

No, ClojureScript is not dead. It remains actively used in web development, particularly for its integration with React through libraries like Reagent.

Is Clojure faster than Python?

Clojure can be faster than Python, especially in concurrent programming, as it benefits from running on the JVM, which is optimized for performance.

What is Clojure best used for?

Clojure is best used for functional programming, concurrency-heavy applications, data processing, and situations requiring JVM interop. It’s popular in web development, data analysis, and systems programming.

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