What is semantic role labeling (SRL)?

In our daily lives, we effortlessly use semantic roles to understand the relationships, intentions, and dynamics within language. We can see this in the following example. “This Answer is written by the Educative Team,” where humans can easily understand that “the Educative Team” is the responsible agent for the predicate “is written” to the object “Answer”. However, capturing and comprehending these roles can be challenging for computer software, as it requires contextual understanding and the ability to infer the implied meaning beyond literal interpretation. This example shows one of the most minor yet quite significant tasks done in the field of natural language processing (NLP).

What is NLP?

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field that combines artificial intelligence and computational linguistics to enable computers to interact with human language. Primarily, its objective is to overcome the challenges of understanding and processing human language by developing techniques and methods. These techniques involve processing, analyzing, and generating natural language text or speech. NLP plays a vital role in various applications such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, chatbots, and information retrieval, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology.

A basic illustration of how NLP works.
A basic illustration of how NLP works.

One of the most common examples of seeing NLP in action is through the famous ChatGPT. It enables the model to understand and generate human-like text in conversations, allowing ChatGPT to do tasks such as: 

  • Process user inputs 

  • Extract relevant information 

  • Generate contextually appropriate responses

  • Provide a more interactive conversational experience

Having discussed NLP, we can now shift our focus to semantic role labeling (SRL) and its applications in this highly tech-influenced era.

What is SRL?

In linguistics, a semantic predicate, also known as the main verb, is a word or phrase that expresses the main action, state, or occurrence in a sentence. For this to be analyzed by computer software, we use semantic role labeling (SRL), also known as thematic role labeling. SRL is an NLP task that involves assigning semantic roles to words or phrases in a sentence and capturing their relationships to the main predicate.

The goal of SRL is to understand the underlying meaning and roles played by different entities, such as agents, patients, and locations, in expressing an action or event through a sentence. SRL plays a crucial role in revealing the underlying structure of a sentence, enabling more profound analysis and comprehension of the text.

Its applications contribute to various NLP tasks by uncovering the semantic relationships within sentences. SRL can be divided into four subtasks, each serving a specific purpose in the overall process. Let’s see these steps in a little more detail.

Overall steps in SRL

Before we get into the critical steps in the process, we have to focus on the preprocessing. This step involves tokenizing the text into individual words or subword units and performing preprocessing tasks like sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, and syntactic parsing.

In syntactic parsing, there are different types of parse trees, such as constituent parse trees and dependency parse trees. These trees capture the syntactic structure of the sentence and provide the foundation for subsequent steps in the SRL process, such as predicate identification and argument identification. Let’s see an example of a syntactic tree.

Illustration of syntactic tree
Illustration of syntactic tree

Predicate detection

This subtask involves identifying the predicates or main verbs in a sentence. The goal is to locate the words that express the main actions or events in the sentence. For example, in the sentence "Educative is a hands-on learning platform for software developers of all levels, the phrase "is a hands-on learning platform" would be identified as the predicate.

Predicate disambiguation

Sometimes, a sentence may contain multiple potential predicates, making it necessary to disambiguate and determine the correct one. Predicate disambiguation resolves any ambiguity in identifying the primary verb. For example, in the sentence "Educative offers various courses for learners of all ages" the word "offers" can be either a verb or a noun. Predicate disambiguation helps in correctly identifying "offers" as the verb.

For the above steps, we can use any pruning algorithm for discarding words and selecting the right ones in the syntactic tree constructed. Candidates that are evidently not arguments for a given predicate are eliminated to optimize training time and, more significantly, enhance performance.

Argument identification

After identifying the predicate, the next step is to identify the words or phrases that serve as arguments for the predicate. Arguments are the entities or elements that participate in the action or state expressed by the predicate. For example, in the sentence "Educative offers a wide range of courses for learners of all backgrounds, the noun phrase "a wide range of courses" would be identified as the argument of the predicate "offers."

Argument classification

Once the arguments are identified, this subtask involves classifying or labeling the roles or semantic functions of each argument. For example, in the sentence "Educative offers a wide range of courses for learners of all backgrounds, the argument "Educative" would be assigned the role of "subject" or "agent" since it is the entity performing the action expressed by the predicate.

Applications of SRL

Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) has various applications in natural language processing (NLP) and language understanding. Here are some common applications of SRL:

  • Question answering: SRL helps identify the semantic roles of words or phrases in a question, enabling a better understanding of the question's structure and extracting relevant information to provide accurate answers.

  • Information extraction: SRL extracts structured information from unstructured text by identifying and labeling the semantic roles of entities and relationships within the text.

  • Text summarization: SRL summarizes text by identifying key arguments and their associated roles, helping to generate concise summaries that capture the main points of a document.

  • Sentiment analysis: SRL can be used in sentiment analysis tasks to identify the semantic roles of words or phrases that express sentiment or opinion, providing a more nuanced understanding.

  • Information retrieval: SRL enhances information retrieval systems by identifying the semantic roles of search queries and matching them with relevant documents or web pages.

  • Dialogue systems: SRL can aid in dialogue systems and chatbots such as GPT-3 by understanding the semantic roles of user queries and generating appropriate responses.

  • Text-to-speech synthesis: SRL helps generate more natural and contextually appropriate speech output by capturing the semantic roles and relationships in the input text.

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What does semantic role labeling (SRL) refer to in natural language processing?


A technique for converting text into tokens and lemmatizing them for analysis.


The process of identifying syntactic structures in a sentence, such as subjects, objects, and predicates.


An approach to determining the sentiment of a sentence based on the words used.


A method for translating text from one language to another using machine learning algorithms.


These are just a few real-life applications of SRL in various NLP tasks. SRL enables a deeper understanding of the roles and relationships between entities, actions, and other elements in natural language, facilitating more accurate language processing and improving the performance of many language-related applications.

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