The setSeconds
function in JavaSript is a method of the Date
class. The function sets the second for the date that is specified in accordance with local time.
Date.setSeconds(seconds, milliseconds);
The function takes in two parameters.
In the above snippet of code, seconds
and milliseconds
are integers.
is an optional parameter
The expected values for seconds
and milliseconds
are 0 to 59 and 0 to 999 respectively. If we pass a value greater than 59 in place of seconds
, it updates the minute accordingly.
If a value greater than 999 is passed in milliseconds
, the value of seconds is updated.
// an object of Date type is created to apply the function onvar obj = new Date('January 1, 2001 09:24:21');// Time is printed in H:M:S format before the seconds are setconsole.log("TIME BEFORE FUNCTION CALL: " + obj.getHours() + " : " + obj.getMinutes() + " : " + obj.getSeconds())// setSeconds function is called with an unexpected value. It'll update the values like the following comments// new_seconds = (64 % 60)// new_minutes = old_minutes + (64 / 60)obj.setSeconds(64);// Time is printed in H:M:S format after the function callconsole.log("TIME BEFORE FUNCTION CALL: " + obj.getHours() + " : " + obj.getMinutes() + " : " + obj.getSeconds())
In the above example, the time is printed in H:M:S format. An unexpected value is passed to the setSeconds
function. Its effect can be observed on the value of minutes after the function call.
// an object of Date type is created to apply the function onvar obj = new Date('January 1, 2001 09:24:21');// Time is printed in H:M:S format before the seconds are setconsole.log("TIME BEFORE FUNCTION CALL: " + obj.getHours() + " : " + obj.getMinutes() + " : " + obj.getSeconds()+ " : " + obj.getMilliseconds())// setSeconds function is called with an unexpected value.obj.setSeconds(45, 32);// Time is printed in H:M:S format after the function callconsole.log("TIME BEFORE FUNCTION CALL: " + obj.getHours() + " : " + obj.getMinutes() + " : " + obj.getSeconds()+ " : " + obj.getMilliseconds())
In the above example, the time is printed in H:M:S:MS format. The value of seconds
and milliseconds
is set using the setSeconds
function. The effect of the function can be observed on seconds and milliseconds after the function is called.
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