What is Strict mode in JS?

Strict mode permits you from writing a function or program in a strict operating context. This context throws different exceptions and block specific actions from being taken. The 'use strict'; statement guides the browser to use the Strict mode, which is a diminished and more secure list of JavaScript features.

Positive side of use strict

  • Strict mode removes a lot of JavaScript silent errors by replacing them to throw exceptions.
  • Strict mode does not allow any syntax likely to be defined in later versions of ECMAScript.
  • Strict mode does not allow unsecured actions and prevents them by throwing errors.
  • Strict mode does not allow poorly thought out or confusing features.
  • You can write secure JavaScript with the help of strict mode.

Application of strict mode

You can apply strict mode in the follow two ways:

  • Apply it globally for the entire script.
  • Apply it to any specific function.

In block statementsenclosed in braces {}, you are unable to apply Strict mode.

Strict mode with entire Script

You can apply strict mode for the entire script by writing 'use strict'; before any other statements:

// Entire Script Strict mode
'use strict';
 let testString = "In Strict Mode.";

If you try to concatenate strict mode script with a Non-strict script, it will look entirely Strict, but it can be Non-strict. In the same way, you can concatenate a Non-strict script with Strict script and, although it will look entirely Non-strict, it can cause confusion. You can concatenate the same type of scripts without any issue, but in the concatenation of Strict and Non-strict scripts, use of Strict mode based on function-by-function is recommended.

Strict mode function-by-function

You can apply it to individual function by writing 'use strict'; in function’s body before any other statement as below:

function testFunction() {

  // Strict Mode in Function 
  'use strict';
  return "strict mode test function!";

A few examples regarding strict mode

Assignment to the undeclared variable

If we mistype the variable’s name, JavaScript usually creates a new global variable. However, this is impossible in Strict mode:

'use strict';
testVar = 28;
// You will face an error because variable is not declared.
// You can verify it by clicking on Run button.

Error on deletion

This error occurs when you are unable to delete a variable, an object, or a function in Strict mode. This is shown below:

'use strict';
function testFun(num, age) {};
delete testFun;
// You will face an error.
// You can verify it by clicking on Run button.

Duplicate parameter names

Strict mode does not allow you to duplicate a parameter name in JavaScript. This is shown below:

'use strict';
function testFun(age, age) {};
// You will face an error.
// You can verify it by clicking on Run button.

Problem with some properties

You are unable to execute some properties in Strict mode, e.g., you cannot set the get-only property.

'use strict';
let testObj = {get age() {return 0} };
testObj.age = 28;
// You will face an error.

String functions

You cannot use some string functions in Strict mode. For example, the eval function.

'use strict';
let eval = 9.33;
// You will face an error.
// You can verify it by clicking on Run button.

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