What is StrictMath.abs method in Java?


The StrictMath class as utility methods is used for performing basic numeric operations. It is present in the java.lang package.

Note: Read more about the StrictMath class here.

The abs method can be used to get the absolute value of the passed value.


This method has four overridden methods:

public static double abs(double a)
public static float abs(float a)
public static int abs(int a)
public static long abs(long a)

Return value

  • If the argument is negative, then the argument’s negation is returned ( the negative value is converted to a positive value).

  • If the argument is positive then the same value is returned.

  • If the argument is NaN then NaN is returned.


The below code explains how to use the abs method:

class StrictMathAbsExample {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
// create one double and one int variable
double val1 = -10.45;
int val2 = 10;
// use StrictMath.abs method
System.out.println("StrictMath.abs(-10.45) : " + StrictMath.abs(val1));
System.out.println("StrictMath.abs(10) : " + StrictMath.abs(val2));


In the above code:

  • Lines 4 and 5: We create one double variable val1 and one int variable val2 with values -10.45 and 10, respectively.

  • Line 7: We use the abs method of the StrictMath class to get the absolute value of the val1 variable. The val1 contains the negative value -10.45 so the abs method returns the negation of the value( 10.45).

  • Line 8: We use the abs method of the StrictMath class to get the absolute value of the val2 variable. The val2 contains the positive value 10 so, the same value is returned.

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