What is string.matchall() in JavaScript?

The matchAll() function matches a string against a regular expression and returns an iterator of all the matched groups.




  • The RegExp argument must have the /g flag. Otherwise, a TypeError will be thrown.
  • If we pass a non-RegExp object, then the values are internally converted to a RegExp object using new Regexp(value).

Return value

matchAll() returns an iterator that has an array for each match. In that array, we have:

  • groups - An object of the named capturing groups, which has the name of the captured group as the key and the match as the value.
  • index - The index at which the match for the RegExp is found.
  • input - The search string.


const regex = /J(ava)([a-z]*)/gi;
let str = "Java JavaScript";
let allMatchItr = str.matchAll(regex);
for(match of allMatchItr) {

In the code above, we have two matches for the RegExp /J(ava)([a-z]*)/gi; so, the matchAll() method returns an iterator with two array values. In each array:

  • The first element is the matched text.
  • For each matched item on a parenthetical capture group, there will be one element.
  • The array, which contains the index, input, and groups.

Example of captured group names

const regex = /J(?<group_name_1>ava)(?<group_name_2>[a-z]*)/gi;
let str = "Java JavaScript";
let allMatchItr = str.matchAll(regex);
for(match of allMatchItr) {
console.log("Matched String =>", match[0]);
console.log("Matched value of group_name_1 => ", match.groups['group_name_1']);
console.log("Matched value of group_name_2 => ", match.groups['group_name_2']);

In the above code, we printed the matched string, which is present at the 0th index of the array. We named the captured group as group_name_1 and group_name_2 in the regex. Each array present in the returned iterator contains the group’s property with the group names as the keys and the matched strings as the values.

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