What is the Atan function in Golang?

The Atan function in the Go programming language is used to find the arc tangent value of the angle passed to it as input.

To use the Atan function, you must import the math package in your file and access the Atan function within it using the . notation (math.Atan). Here, Atan is the actual function, while math is the Go package that stores the definition of this function.


The definition of the Atan function inside the math package is shown below:


The Atan function takes a single argument of type float64 that represents the angle whose arc tangent value you want to find.

Return value

The Atan function returns a single value of type float64 that represents the arc tangent value of the argument. The possible range of all return values is between -π/2 to π/2 radians.

An exception to the above statements is when you pass something as an argument that is NAN. In these cases, the Atan function returns NAN.


Below is a simple example in which we use the Atan function to find the arc tangent value of 25:

package main
import "fmt"
import "math"
func main() {
x := math.Atan(25)

The following example shows how passing NAN as an argument makes the Atan function return NAN:

package main
import "fmt"
import "math"
func main() {
x := math.Atan(math.NaN())

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