What is the console.table() function in JavaScript?

The console.table command is used to display tabular data as a table.


console.table(data); console.table(data,columns);

  • data : must be either an array or an object

  • columns : an Array that contains the names of the columns


console.table can be implemented in the following ways:

1. Array

If the data argument is an array, the index column will be incremented by one, with the starting value being 0.

// Now let the data be an array of fruits
console.table(["apples", "oranges", "bananas"]);

2. Object

If the data is an object, then the parameter acts as the values of column 1, while column 2 displays the values stored in the respective parameter.

// an object with String input parameters
function Person(Name, Destination) {
this.Name = Name;
this.Destination = Destination;
const me = new Person("John", "London");

3. Two-dimensional array

If the data is a 2D Array, then the column names will be incremented in the same way as the index column values.

// an 2D Array Consisting of First and the Last Names
const Humans = [["John", "Smith"], ["Jane", "Doe"], ["Emily", "Jones"]]

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