What is the difference between Dart and TypeScript?

Dart and TypeScript are object-oriented programming languages designed to be compiled into JavaScript. They are both popular choices for developing web applications but have other uses.


  • Dart is a general-purpose language designed to be concise, expressive, and scalable.

  • Google supports it and has a large community of developers.

  • Dart is used to develop various applications, including web, mobile, and server-side applications.


  • TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features.

  • Microsoft supports it and has a large community of developers.

  • TypeScript is used to develop a variety of applications, including web applications, mobile apps, and server-side applications.





Static typing




Large library ecosystem

Smaller library ecosystem


Large and active community

Large and active community

Use cases

Web applications, mobile apps, server-side applications

Web applications, mobile apps, server-side applications

Which one is better: Dart or TypeScript?

Dart may be a good choice for someone new to programming because it is a simpler language. If we are already familiar with JavaScript, TypeScript may be a good choice because it adds static typing and other features that can make our code more reliable. Ultimately, our best choice will depend on our specific needs and preferences.

Here are some other things to consider when choosing between Dart and TypeScript:

  • Static typing: Static typing can help to prevent errors and make the code more reliable. TypeScript is a statically typed language, while Dart is a dynamically typed language.

  • Libraries: Both Dart and TypeScript have large library ecosystems. However, TypeScript’s library ecosystem is slightly larger than Dart’s. This is because TypeScript has been around longer and has a larger community of developers.

  • Community: Both Dart and TypeScript have large and active communities. However, TypeScript’s community is slightly larger than Dart’s. This implies that there are more learning resources accessible for TypeScript and that it is simpler to receive assistance if we run into problems.

  • Use cases: Both Dart and TypeScript can be used for various applications, including web applications, mobile apps, and server-side applications. However, TypeScript is more commonly used for web applications than Dart.

  • Runtime: Dart can be compiled to native code or JavaScript, while TypeScript can only be compiled to JavaScript. This means that Dart applications can be more performant than TypeScript applications, but they are also more limited in terms of the platforms they can run on.

Overall, both TypeScript and Dart are strong programming languages that may be used to create various applications. What language is ideal for us depends depend on our requirements and preferences.

Consider the following extra factors while deciding between Dart and TypeScript:

  • Dart might be a better option if the person is new to programming due to its easier syntax and shorter learning curve.

  • TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript and allows us to leverage our existing JavaScript expertise; it can be a better option if we are already comfortable with JavaScript.

  • Dart is statically typed and can be built to native code; it might be a better option if we intend to create large, sophisticated apps.

  • As TypeScript includes a broader variety of libraries and frameworks, TypeScript can be a better option if we intend to develop web applications.


The perfect language for us will ultimately depend on our requirements and preferences. We advise testing Dart and TypeScript to see which one we like if we are unsure which language to pick.

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