What is the DOM property dir?


In this shot, we’ll learn how to change the direction of text, i.e., the reading order of the text. Reading orders are of two types: rtl, which is right to left,and ltr, which is left to right (default browswer order).

We’ll use the DOM property dir to set the order or get the element’s order. The real-world example of dir is mostly seen in the Arabic websites where they write text in rtl form.


We’ll write HTML code to find or set the direction of the paragraph elements, and we’ll use both ways to set the property:

  1. set dir in the tag itself.
  2. set dir using JavaScript.


  • In line 5, we set a paragraph element with id = elem for displaying text. We will change the direction of this element.

  • In line 6, we set another paragraph element with the dir property set to rtl for displaying text from right to left. We have used Arabic to show a real-world example.

  • In line 8, we have written a button tag, which has a function change() binded with an onclick event.

  • In line 11, in the script tag, we have written JavaScript code to define a function change(), which will be called by the button from the HTML page.

  • In line 12, we’ll use document.getElementById() to get the <p> element with id = elem and change the direction of this element from ltr to rtl.

After running the code, we find that the property dir in the 2nd paragraph element is rendered from the right side of the window to the left, and also when we click the button click here, the 1st paragraph element changes its dir to rtl.