What is the DoubleBuffer order() method in Java?

The order() method of the DoubleBuffer class in Java retrieves a buffer’s byte order.

The process is illustrated below.

To use the order() method, you will need to import the DoubleBuffer class into your program, as shown below.

import java.nio.DoubleBuffer

The prototype of this method is shown below.

public final ByteOrder order()


The order() method does not accept any parameters.

Return value

The order() method returns the buffer’s byte order.

The byte order of a DoubleBuffer object can be one of the following:

  • If the buffer is created by allocation or by wrapping an existing double array, then the byte order reflects the native order of the underlying hardware.

  • If the buffer is created as a view of a ByteBuffer, then the byte order reflects the byte order of the ByteBuffer object when the DoubleBuffer view was created.


The code below shows how the order() method can be used in Java.

import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
class orderMethod {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// initialize buffer instances
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(5);
DoubleBuffer firstBuffer = DoubleBuffer.allocate(5);
DoubleBuffer secondBuffer = byteBuffer.asDoubleBuffer();
// Retrieve byte order of buffers
ByteOrder currentByteOrder = firstBuffer.order();
System.out.println("The byte order of firstBuffer is: " + currentByteOrder);
currentByteOrder = secondBuffer.order();
System.out.println("The byte order of secondBuffer is: " + currentByteOrder);


First, two DoubleBuffer objects are initialized: firstBuffer and secondBuffer. firstBuffer is created through the allocate() method, whereas secondBuffer is a view of a ByteBuffer object created through the asDoubleBuffer() method.

Since firstBuffer was allocated directly, the order() method in line 1313 returns the native order of the underlying hardware, i.e., LITTLE_ENDIAN.

On the other hand, secondBuffer is a view of a ByteBuffer object, so the order() method in line 1616 returns the byte order of the ByteBuffer object at the moment when the DoubleBuffer view was created, i.e., BIG_ENDIAN.