What is the is.element() function in R?


We can check the presence of element(s) of an object in another object using the function is.element() in R language.


is.element(x, y)
Syntax for the is.element( ) function in R

Parameter values

The is.element() function takes the following mandatory parameter values:

  • x: This is the element that we want to search for in an R object.
  • y: This is an R object containing elements.

Return value

The is.element() function returns a logical value (true or false) indicating whether the element appears in y.

Coding example

# creating an R object of elements
A <- c(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
# to check to see if 2 is an element of A
is.element(2, A)


In the code above,

  • Line 2: We create an R object A containing numerical elements.
  • Line 5: We check whether the number 2 is an element of A by using the is.element() function.

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