What is the numpy.char.title() function from NumPy in Python?


The char.title(() function in Python is used to return an element-wise titled cased version of an input array of strings or Unicode.




The char.title(() function takes a single parameter value, a, which represents the input array of strings or Unicode.

Return value

The char.title(() function returns an array of strings or Unicode, depending on the input type passed to the function.


Let’s look at the code below:

import numpy as np
# creating an array
myarray1 = np.array(["ThIS", "IS", "ThE", "Title", "OF", "this", 'coDE'])
# implementing the char.title() function
# creating another array
myarray2 = np.array(["THIS IS the TitlE of this code"])
# implementing the char.title() function


  • Line 1: We import the NumPy module.
  • Lines 4 and 9: We create a string of arrays mystring1 and mystring2 using the array() function.
  • Lines 6 and 11: We implement the char.title() function on both input arrays, myarray1 and myarray2, and print the results to the console.

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