What is the numpy.ma.count_masked() function in NumPy?


The ma.count_masked() method in NumPy is used to take count of the masked elements along the given axis of an array.


The ma.count_masked() method takes the following syntax:

ma.count_masked(arr, axis=None)
Syntax of the "ma.count_masked()" method in NumPy

Parameter values

The ma.count_masked() function takes the following parameter values:

  • arr: This is the input array with possibly masked elements. It is a required parameter value.

  • axis: This is the axes along which the count is to be done. It is an optional parameter value.

Return value

The ma.count_masked() function returns a count of the total number of masked elements along a given axis of an array.


import numpy.ma as ma
# creating a masked array
a = ma.arange(8).reshape(4,2)
# masking the elements in the third row
a[2, :] = ma.masked
# taking counts of non-masked elements along rows
b = ma.count_masked(a, axis=1)
# taking count of non-masked elements along columns
c = ma.count_masked(a, axis=0)
print("Taking count along row: ", b)
print("Taking count along columns: ", c);


  • Line 1: We import the numpy.ma module.

  • Line 3: We create an input masked array, a.

  • Line 6: We mask the elements present in the third row of the input array.

  • Line 9: We take count of the masked elements in axis 1 (rows) of the input array. We assign the result to a variable, b.

  • Line 12: We take count of the masked elements in axis 0 (columns) of the input array. We assign the result to a variable, c.

  • Lines 14–16: We print the input array, a, and the arrays b and c to the console.

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