What is the pandas stack() method in Python?

The pandas library, a widely used data manipulation library in Python, offers many methods to reshape and transform data. One such method that plays a pivotal role in restructuring DataFrames is the stack() method. In this answer, we’ll dive into the intricacies of the pandas stack() method, exploring its functionality and practical applications.

Understanding the stack() method

At its core, the stack() method in pandas is designed to pivot the columns of a DataFrame to the index, creating a multi-level index. This transformation is particularly useful when dealing with hierarchical or multi-dimensional data.


The syntax is simple:

DataFrame.stack(level= -1, dropna=True)
Syntax of the stack() method


In the above syntax:

  • DataFrame: This parameter represents the original data frame to which we want to apply the stack() method. It is the DataFrame from which we want to pivot or rearrange the data.

  • level (optional, default=-1): The level parameter is an optional argument that determines which level of the DataFrame’s columns to stack. It is an integer or label that refers to the level name or position. The default value is -1, which means the method will stack all levels.

stacked_df = original_df.stack(level=0)
The level parameter
  • dropna (optional, default=True): The dropna parameter is a boolean value that determines whether to drop rows with missing values after stacking. If set to True (default), the missing values are removed; if set to False, missing values are retained in the stacked DataFrame.

stacked_df = original_df.stack(dropna=False)
The dropna parameter

Key features and functionalities

  • Hierarchical indexing: The primary purpose of stack() is to convert columns into a hierarchical index, making it easier to navigate and analyze complex datasets. This is especially beneficial when dealing with time series or multi-dimensional data.

  • Handling missing values: When stacking a DataFrame, the stack() method automatically filters out missing values (NaNs), resulting in a more compact and informative structure. This can be advantageous in scenarios where dealing with sparse data or handling missing information is crucial.

  • Reshaping for plotting: The stack() method is commonly used when preparing data for plotting. By restructuring the DataFrame, we can easily create visualizations highlighting relationships between variables, especially in time-based or categorical data scenarios.

Coding example

Let’s explore a few practical examples to illustrate the utility of the stack() method:

import pandas as pd
data = {
'A': [100, 222, None],
'B': [74, None, 95],
'C': [11, 22, 33]
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Applying the stack() method with optional parameters
stacked_df = df.stack(level=0, dropna=True)
print("Original DataFrame:")
print("\nStacked DataFrame:")


  • Line 1: We import the pandas library as pd.

  • Lines 3–7: We create a sample DataFrame df with three columns (A, B, and C) and some missing values (represented by None).

  • Line 12: We apply stack() with parameters. Here, level = 0 specifies that we want to stack the DataFrame at level 0, which corresponds to the columns. The method will pivot the columns to create a multi-level index. dropna=True indicates that we want to drop rows containing missing values. In our example, the rows with missing values in columns A and B will be removed from the stacked DataFrame.

  • Lines 14–15: We print the original DataFrame df to show the initial structure with missing values.

  • Lines 16–17: We print the stacked DataFrame stacked_df to display the result after applying the stack() method. This DataFrame has a hierarchical index and does not include rows with missing values.


The output of the above code will demonstrate the transformation of the original DataFrame with missing values into a stacked DataFrame with a hierarchical index. Rows containing missing values are dropped, showcasing the impact of the dropna parameter, while the stacking at level 0 creates a multi-level index based on the original columns.

The stack() method with level=0 and dropna=True
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The pandas stack() method is a powerful tool for reshaping and restructuring data in Python. Its ability to convert columnar data into a hierarchical index makes it particularly useful for handling complex datasets. Whether we working with time-series data, plotting visualizations, or simply need to transform our DataFrame, the stack() method is a valuable addition to our pandas toolkit.

As we delve into the world of data manipulation with pandas, mastering methods like stack() will undoubtedly enhance our ability to extract meaningful insights from diverse datasets.

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