What is the purpose of a companion object in Kotlin?

In Kotlin, companion objects are used to create static functions and properties, just like the ones we create in Java and C# using the static keyword. We don’t need to create a class object to call these functions and properties. Instead, these properties and functions can be called directly by using the dot operator on the class name. One class can have only one companion object at a time.

Declare a companion object

There are multiple ways to declare a companion object.

  1. Without a name: Companion objects can be declared without a name, and by default, their name is companion:

class Cat {
companion object {
fun makeSound() = println("Mew mew")
fun main() {

The explanation of the code is given below:

  • Line 1: We are declaring a class called Cat.

  • Line 2: Within the Cat class, we are declaring a companion object.

  • Line 3: Within the companion object, we declare a function named makeSound() that prints "Mew mew" to the console. The = indicates that this is a single-expression function where the result of the expression is returned automatically.

  • Lines 6–7: We declare the main() function, which serves as the entry point of the program, and call the makeSound() function defined within the companion object of the Cat class. This line will print "Mew mew" to the console when executed.

  1. With a name: Companion objects can also be declared with a name, which helps make the code clearer, readable, and maintainable.

class Cat {
companion object Kitty {
fun makeSound() = println("Mew Mew")
fun main() {
//Can also be done as

The explanation of the code is given below:

  • Line 2: Within the Cat class, we are declaring a companion object with the name Kitty that will perform the same functionality of printing "Mew Mew" on the console.

  • Line 7: In the main() function, which serves as the entry point of the program, we call the makeSound() function with the name of the companion object of the Cat class. This line will print "Mew mew" to the console when executed.

Implement factory methods with companion objects

Companion objects can also be used to implement the factory method It's a method within a class responsible for creating and returning instances of that class or its subclasses. for the class, which creates and returns an instance of the class.

class Cat {
companion object {
fun createObject() = Cat()
fun main() {
// Usage
val cat: Cat = Cat.createObject()
println("Cat: $cat")

Let's see the explanation of the code:

  • Line 1–2: We are declaring a class named Cat and within the Cat class, we declare a companion object.

  • Line 3: Within the companion object, we declare a function named createObject() that returns a new instance of the Cat class. When createObject() is called, it creates and returns a new Cat object.

  • Lines 6–8: We declare the main() function, which serves as the entry point of the program, and create a new variable named cat type Cat. It assigns the result of calling the createObject() function from the companion object of the Cat class to this variable. In other words, it creates a new instance of the Cat class using the factory method createObject().

  • Line 9: We print the string "Cat: " followed by the value of the cat variable. In Kotlin, the $ symbol is used for string interpolation, allowing you to embed expressions directly within strings. In this case, it prints the value of the cat variable, which is the newly created Cat object.

Use companion objects for shared class attributes

Companion objects can be used to declare properties and functions that are common with all members of the class. For example, all cats make the sound of mew and all cats have the species "Felis catus."

class Cat {
companion object {
fun makeSound() = println("Mew Mew")
val species = "Felis catus"
fun main() {

Let's see the explanation of the code:

  • Line 1–2: We are declaring a class named Cat and within the Cat class, we declare a companion object.

  • Lines 3: Within the companion object, we declare a function named makeSound() that prints "Mew Mew" to the console when called.

  • Line 4: Within the companion object, we declare a read-only property named species with the value "Felis catus". This property holds the species of the cat, and it's common to all instances of the Cat class.

  • Lines 7–8: We declare the main() function, which serves as the entry point of the program, and call the makeSound() function defined within the companion object of the Cat class. It prints "Mew Mew" to the console.

  • Line 9: We print the value of the species property from the companion object of the Cat class. It prints "Felis catus" to the console.

Note: Companion objects are loaded the first time the class containing it is loaded. Thus, we should avoid over use of companion objects.

In conclusion, companion objects in Kotlin serve the purpose of providing a mechanism to define properties and functions that are tied to a class itself rather than to instances of the class. They allow for the organization of shared functionality and constants within a class, promoting encapsulation and code organization. Companion objects offer a convenient way to implement factory methods, define static members, and centralize common functionality, contributing to cleaner and more maintainable code in Kotlin projects.

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