What is the recur keyword in Clojure?

Clojure is a functional programming language that emphasizes immutability and recursion over iteration. The absence of traditional for and while loops encourages developers to embrace functional constructs like recursion, higher-order functions, and lazy sequences. Recursion offers an elegant solution for iterating over data structures while preserving immutability. However, traditional recursion often poses challenges regarding stack overflow, especially with large datasets. Clojure's recur provides a mechanism to overcome this limitation by implementing tail recursion optimization.

Understanding recur

In Clojure, recur is a special form used within the tail position of a function to enable tail call optimization. Tail call optimization ensures that recursive calls do not consume additional stack space, mitigating the risk of stack overflow. When recur is invoked, it replaces the current activation frame with a new one, effectively transforming the recursion into iteration, thereby conserving memory.

Here's a general form of how recur is used within a function:

(recur arg1 arg2 ... argN)

In the code above, arg1, arg2, ..., argN are the arguments passed to the enclosing function.

If we use the traditional recursion in the Clojure function to calculate the factorial of a number, it would look like this:

(defn factorial [n]
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (dec n)))))

While this function is concise, it risks stack overflow for large values of n. By replacing the recursive call with recur, we ensure tail call optimization:

(defn factorial [n]
(loop [n n
acc 1]
(if (<= n 1)
(recur (dec n) (* acc n)))))

It's important to note that recur must appear in the tail position of a function in order to avoid stack overflow errors.

When using recur, it's crucial to adhere to certain best practices to ensure code readability and performance. Some key considerations include:

  • Ensuring that recur appears in the tail position of the function.

  • Avoiding unnecessary intermediate computations before the recur call.

  • Verifying that the recursive function terminates under all circumstances to prevent infinite loops.


To illustrate the significance and functionality of Clojure's recur construct, let's examine an example of its usage in optimizing a recursive function. Here, the provided code snippet demonstrates the implementation of factorial functions in Clojure, one utilizing traditional recursion and the other utilizing recur for tail recursion optimization. Additionally, it includes a function to measure the time taken by each of these functions and compares their performance.

;; Traditional recursion
(defn factorial-non-tail [n]
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial-non-tail (dec n)))))
;; Using recur
(defn factorial [n]
(loop [n n
acc 1]
(if (<= n 1)
(recur (dec n) (* acc n)))))
;; Function to calculate the time taken by each function
(defn time-it [f]
(let [start (System/nanoTime)
result (f)
end (System/nanoTime)]
[result (- end start)]))
(let [input 10]
(println "Time taken by factorial with recur:")
(println (time-it #(factorial input)))
(println "Time taken by factorial without recur:")
(println (time-it #(factorial-non-tail input))))

Code explanation

Let's see what exactly the code above does:

  • Lines 2–5: This is a traditional recursion function that calculates the factorial of a number using traditional recursion.

    • Line 3: It first checks if the input number n is less than or equal to 1.

    • Line 4: If n is less than or equal to 1, it returns 1 (base case).

    • Line 5: Otherwise, it recursively calls the factorial-non-tail function with n-1 and multiplies the result by n.

  • Lines 8–13: This is a factorial function using recur that calculates the factorial of a number using tail recursion optimization with the recur special form.

    • Lines 9–10: It uses a loop construct, loop, with n representing the current number and acc as the accumulator for the factorial value.

    • Line 11: Inside the loop, it checks if n is less than or equal to 1.

    • Line 12: If n is less than or equal to 1, it returns the accumulator acc (base case).

    • Line 13: Otherwise, it updates n to n-1 and acc to acc * n using recur.

Benefits of using recur

Let's go over some of the advantages of using recur:

  • Memory efficiency: By leveraging tail call optimization, recur facilitates efficient memory usage, particularly with recursive algorithms dealing with large datasets. This optimization eliminates the risk of stack overflow, enabling developers to handle recursive computations with confidence.

  • Code readability: recur enhances code readability by succinctly expressing recursive logic without sacrificing performance. Developers can focus on the functional aspects of their code without being encumbered by concerns regarding stack limitations.

  • Performance: Tail call optimization provided by recur improves the performance of recursive functions, making them comparable to their iterative counterparts in terms of speed and resource utilization. This optimization is crucial for building high-performance, scalable applications in Clojure.

The recur special form in Clojure facilitates the implementation of tail-recursive functions, enabling developers to write concise and efficient code. By understanding its syntax, semantics, and practical applications, programmers can leverage recur to tackle a wide range of problems effectively.

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