What is the resize observer API in web API?

Resize observer API

The Resize Observer API provides a way to notify an observer if an element it is registered on is re-sized in any way.

The ResizeObserver class is provided with an observer that will be called on every resize event.

const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
    for(const entry of entries) {
            consoleo.log("element re-sized")



Whenever the divs are re-sized, “element re-sized” is printed on the console.

Let’s see an example of how to use the Resize Observer API.


We have range sliders here. If we slide them, they will change the height and width of the <div> #resizeBox.

We registered a ResizeObserver on the <div #resizeBox>, with an observer. It will display the message indicating that the box has been re-sized and the current values of its height and width.

Try to slide the range sliders; you will see the <div #resizeBox> change in width and height. Also, we see that the info is displayed in the <div #stat> box.

Try it live here: ResizeObserver.

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