What is the sqrt() function in C++?


The sqrt() function in C++ is used to return the square root of a given number.

The sqrt() function is defined in the <cmath> header file.


sqrt(double num);


The sqrt() function takes a non-negative number as a parameter.

Note: The domain error occurs when a negative number is passed as an argument to the sqrt() function.

Return value

The sqrt() function returns the square root of the argument passed to it.


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// creating a variable
double x = 25;
// using the sqrt() function
double result = sqrt(x);
cout << "Square root of " << x << " is " << result;
return 0;


  • Line 7: We create a variable x.
  • Line 10: We use the sqrt() function to calculate the square root of variable x and assign the return value to the variable result.
  • Line 12: We print the variable result.

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