What is the toFixed() method in TypeScript?


The toFixed() method rounds the given number to a specified number of decimals. It will add zeroes if the given number of decimals is higher than the number.

We will use the following syntax to call this method.




It will take the number of decimals as a parameter, which is optional. The default is 0.

Return value

It returns a string with or without decimals according to the given parameter. Let's take a look at an example of this.


//given number
let num = 5.56789;
//use of toFixed method without parameter
let n = num.toFixed();
//use of toFixed method with parameter
n = num.toFixed(10);


  • Line 2: We declare and initialize the number num.
  • Line 5: We round the number with 0 decimals using the toFixed() method without passing any parameter.
  • Line 7: We print the result returned in line 5.
  • Line 10: We round the number with 10 decimals using the toFixed() method by passing 10 as a parameter. It will add zeroes since we pass the decimals higher than the number.
  • Line 12: We print the result returned in line 10.