What is the Type type in Golang?

Type is the base interface for all data types in Go. This means that all other data types (such as int, float, or string) implement the Type interface. Type is defined in the reflect header.

The following is the Type interface:

type Type interface {
    // Underlying returns the underlying type of a type.
    Underlying() Type

    // String returns a string representation of a type.
    String() string
All data types implement the Type interface


Since it is implemented by all data types in Go, Type can be used to extract information relating to the type for any and all data types.

A function that returns Type returns the data type of the object it receives.


package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
func learnType(t reflect.Type) string {
if t != nil {
return "Has a type!"
return "<nil>"
func main(){
age := 10
name := "Ben"
height := 123.5
fmt.Printf("The type of name is: %T\n", name)
fmt.Printf("The type of age is: %T\n", age)
fmt.Printf("The type of height is: %T\n", height)

In the above example, we declare two variables. These variables are a string, float, and an int. Using the %T format specifier, we extract the type of each variable.

Next, we define a function learnType() that takes the type of a variable and prints whether or not the object has a valid type.

Note: Uninitialized variables have a default value of nil in Go.

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