What is yday attribute in Ruby?


The yday attribute in Ruby is used to return the day of the year. There are 365 days (366 days for leap years) in a year. So, this method returns an integer that represents the day of the year, from 1 to 366.


Syntax to get the year of the day in Ruby

Return value

This attribute returns an integer from 1 to 365 (366 for leap years).


# create time objects
time_now = Time.now # current time
time_five_hours = Time.at(946702800)
time_year_2021 = Time.new(2021)
time_wednesday_1993 = Time.local(1993, 2, 24)
# call the yday method
# and print results
puts time_now.yday
puts time_five_hours.yday
puts time_year_2021.yday
puts time_wednesday_1993.yday


  • Line 2: We create a time object using the Time.now attribute that returns the current time object.
  • Line 3: We use the Time.at() method to create a time object by passing the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
  • Line 4: We use the Time.new() method to create a new time object by passing it the year 2021.
  • Line 5: We use the Time.local() method to create a time object by passing in the year, month, and day of the month.
  • Lines 9 to 12: We call the yday attribute on the time objects we created and print their results to the console.