What is zero-shot object detection (ZSD)?

Zero-shot object detection (ZSD) is the task of detecting or recognizing objects in images without using any object-specific training data. ZSD frequently relies on semantic knowledge regarding object classes and their relationships. This can be accomplished by utilizing external information sources such as semantic embeddings or textual descriptions of object classes.


ZSD has the ability to address some of the challenges associated with classical object detection. Here is how ZSD can assist in addressing these challenges:

  • Varied object appearances: ZSD uses semantic information about object classes to help the model grasp the abstract concepts of objects rather than just their appearance. This allows the model to generalize across diverse appearances of the same object.

  • A large number of object classes: ZSD frequently employs semantic embeddings or textual descriptions linked with object classes. This enables the model to use external information about a large variety of classes, even if the training data only includes a small subset. This can potentially increase the model’s capacity to detect a broader range of classes.

  • Difficulty in obtaining labeled instances: ZSD does not require an extensive training dataset for each object type. The model can predict classes without pixel-level annotations since it relies on semantic information. This is especially useful in applications like object recognition and segmentation, where comprehensive labeling is generally difficult.

  • Scarcity of data for rare classes: ZSD can use semantic information from common classes to help discover rare or novel classes. This knowledge transfer enables the model to perform better in classes with little training data, such as endangered animals, by learning from traits shared with more common classes.

  • Retraining and generalization issues: ZSD intends to increase the model’s capacity to generalize to new and unknown classes without requiring considerable retraining. By focusing on semantic understanding and using external information, ZSD models have the ability to adapt to new data more effectively than standard models, eliminating the need for regular retraining.

Note: While ZSD provides intriguing solutions to these challenges, it might not totally eliminate the requirement for labelled data or retraining in many circumstances. The usefulness of ZSD depends on the quality of semantic representations and the capacity to transfer knowledge between classes.

How it works

Here is a general overview of how ZSD works:

Workflow of ZSD
Workflow of ZSD
  1. Semantic embeddings or descriptions: ZSD frequently includes representing object classes through semantic embeddings or textual descriptions. These embeddings record the semantic connections and characteristics of each class, allowing for a more abstract and broad understanding of the objects.

  2. Model training with semantic information: During training, the model learns to link visual characteristics to semantic embeddings or descriptions of object classes. This enables the model to generalize its understanding beyond the unique examples presented in the training data.

  3. Semantic transfer learning: ZSD is based on the concept of transfer learning, in which information obtained from training on a set of known classes is applied to recognize objects from unknown classes. The semantic information serves as a bridge, allowing the model to predict novel classes based on a common semantic space.

  4. Recognition of unseen classes: When the trained model interacts with an image, including objects from classes it has never encountered during training, it makes predictions based on the semantic representations it has learned. The model recognizes objects based on their semantic similarity to the classes on which it was trained, even if their visual appearances differ.

  5. Combining visual and semantic information: To generate predictions, ZSD models combine visual features collected from input images with semantic embeddings or descriptions. The model considers both types of information for determining the existence of specific objects in the image.

  6. Evaluation and fine-tuning: A ZSD model’s performance is frequently assessed based on its ability to accurately distinguish objects from unknown classes. Additionally, fine-tuning procedures may be used to increase the model’s performance on unknown classes or adapt to new data.

Code example

Click the “Run” button to launch the Jupyter Notebook.

from transformers import pipeline, AutoConfig
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from transformers.utils import logging

# Set verbosity level to error to suppress warnings

# Load the image
image = Image.open("cat2.jpg").convert("RGB")

# Customize the model configuration to include image processor settings
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained("google/owlvit-base-patch32", image_processing=True)

# Load the zero-shot object detection pipeline with the customized configuration
detector = pipeline(model="google/owlvit-base-patch32", task="zero-shot-object-detection", config=config)

# Perform object detection
predictions = detector(
    candidate_labels=["a photo of a cat"],

# Draw bounding boxes on the image
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for prediction in predictions:
    label = prediction['label']
    box = prediction['box']
    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box['xmin'], box['ymin'], box['xmax'], box['ymax']
    draw.rectangle([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], outline="red", width=30)
    draw.text((xmin, ymin), label, fill="red")

# Display the annotated image within the notebook

Code explanation

The above code performs ZSD on an image using the Hugging Face Transformers library. Here’s a breakdown of what it does:

  1. Imports necessary libraries and sets the logging verbosity to error to suppress warnings.

from transformers import pipeline, AutoConfig
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from transformers.utils import logging
  1. Loads an image named cat2.jpg and converts it to RGB mode using Pillow.

 Image.open ("cat2.jpg").convert("RGB")
  1. Customize the model configuration to include image processing settings.

AutoConfig.from_pretrained("google/owlvit-base-patch32", image_processing=True)
  1. Loads the ZSD pipeline with the customized configuration.

detector = pipeline(model="google/owlvit-base-patch32", task="zero-shot-object-detection", config=config)
  1. Performs object detection on the loaded image. The detector pipeline is called with the loaded image and a list of candidate labels, which, in this case, is ["a photo of a cat"].

predictions = detector(
candidate_labels=["a photo of a cat"],
  1. Draws bounding boxes around detected objects on the image. It iterates through the predictions returned by the detector, extracts the label and bounding box coordinates, and draws a rectangle and the label on the image using PIL’s ImageDraw.

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
for prediction in predictions:
label = prediction['label']
box = prediction['box']
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box['xmin'], box['ymin'], box['xmax'], box['ymax']
draw.rectangle([xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], outline="red", width=30)
draw.text((xmin, ymin), label, fill="red")
  1. Displays the annotated image within the notebook using matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(), hiding the axis with plt.axis('off'), and then showing the image with plt.show().


Expected output: The expected output of the provided code would be an annotated image displayed within the notebook. This annotated image will show bounding boxes drawn around the objects detected in the input image ("cat2.jpg").


ZSD has several uses, notably in novel object localization, retrieval, and tracking. Some of the major uses include the following:

  • ZSD helps to recognize new road obstructions that were not in the training data, improving the visual system’s capacity to actively avoid possible accidents.

  • ZSD is useful for detecting anomalies in UAV operations and protecting against hazardous conditions or collisions with unexpected obstructions.

  • ZSD helps find anomalies by classifying unseen data with potential anomalies. This is vital in various applications where unexpected events need to be flagged.

  • In instances involving a large number of object classes, ZSD is advantageous since acquiring bounding box-level annotations for all classes is problematic. It addresses the difficulty of expanding detection to complicated, real-world settings.

  • ZSD aims to obtain a more abstract visual representation of object categories and their semantic attributes. This minimizes the amount of data required by detecting networks, making it easier to do various tasks.

  • ZSD aims to summarise hierarchical information available in semantic space, which is difficult in visual characteristics. This information is useful for detecting faults and improving comprehension of object connections.

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