Event Storming

Learn what an event storming session is and how it helps design a coherent model for technical and domain experts.

Events are baked into a domain, and communication between them occurs naturally. They are sent and consumed by different subdomains, and these interactions will be translated into software in the future. One must understand events in order to understand how a domain operates. Events must be understood in order to understand how a domain operates. Therefore, there are some techniques that people can count on so that they are able to discover requirements, interactions, and restrictions that occur in a domain. Moreover, the scope of every requirement, interaction, and restriction will be capped in a clear way for business and technical people. Hence one technique that enables that discovery is going to be covered in this lesson.

Why do we require a scoping session?

Extracting information from domain experts to write requirements for a system is not an easy task. Domain experts may explain business processes in one way, and technical experts interpret them differently. It may also lead to building technical models, maybe in UML, which domain experts may not comprehend. Thus we should have a session where both sides share knowledge in the same terms. In this way, requirements appear naturally, and both sides, business and technical, can produce the domain model easily.

What is event storming?

This is one of those techniques that was mentioned previously. It is a collaborative workshop created in 2012 by Alberto Brandolini that allows technical and domain experts to create and share understanding and knowledge of complex business domains and processes. This is broadly adopted in the technology industry, and that is why it is one of the best ways whereby technical teams can acquire knowledge about business processes from domain experts. Moreover, it is entertaining and easy because everything is based on using sticky notes and pens to depict understanding of the business processes.

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