Challenge: Count the number of Edges in an Undirected Graph

In this lesson, we will figure out if it's possible to count the total number of edges in a graph.

Problem Statement #

You have to implement the int numEdges(Graph g) function which takes an undirected graph and computes the total number of bidirectional edges. An illustration is also provided for your understanding.

Input #

An undirected graph.

Output #

Returns the total number of edges in the graph.

Sample Input #

graph = {
    0 - 2
    0 - 5
    2 - 3
    2 - 4
    5 - 3
    5 - 6
    3 - 6
    6 - 7
    6 - 8
    6 - 4
    7 - 8

Sample Output #


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