

Password Grant

Password Grant

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the different types of grants and get a deep understanding of password grants.

Different kinds of grants

An authorization grant is where an OAuth2 client is given access to a protected resource using the OAuth2 protocol.

There are many kinds of grants including:

  • Authorization Code

  • Implicit

  • Password

  • Client Credentials

  • Device Code

  • Refresh Token

Amongst these, the safest and most used are the password, the authorization code, and the refresh token grants.

Password grant

By using the “password grant” type of authorization, the user will have to verify their identity through a username and password. In return, the server will return a JSON Web Token (JWT) if the data provided is correct. This token will have some default fields. However, you are free to add custom information to it.

Note: The method used to return the JWT the first time, and to send the token bearer is already set, allowing you to take a few architectural decisions off your shoulders.

The diagram below shows how communication takes place when using the password grant.

The Password grant is composed of two steps:

  • The client asks the user for their authorization credentials (username and password) that are sent with a POST request, including the following parameters, to the authorization server:
	"grant_type": "password",
	"client_id": "some fancy client id",
	"client_secret": "somefancysecret",
	"scope": "email post upgrade somefancyotherscope",
	"username": "username",
	"password": "password"
  • The authorization server responds with a JSON object containing the following properties:
	token_type: "Bearer",
	expires_in: 3600,
	"access_token": "somefancyaccesstoken"
	"refresh_token": "somefancyrefreshtoken"

expires_in is an integer that represents the expiration time of the access token.

This course uses the Spring Security implementation because it’s been tested, is publicly available, and has proved reliable. There’s another approach that involves using AspectJ and creating a JWT filter, but it has the disadvantage that you have to create Unit Tests for it. But if you have more experienced developers on your project, they may have some experience with Spring Security.

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