Operations on Variables

Applying operations on variables

It’s common to apply operations on variables depending on their type. Arithmetic operations such as summation are performed on numbers, while string operations like concatenation are performed on strings. We will learn more about these types in the Data Types lesson.

Integer operations

For example, one variable can be used to save the result of applying an operation on a single or group of variables. We can save the result obtained by the addition of two numbers num_one and num_two in a third variable called sum.

num_one = 55
num_two = 45
sum = num_one + num_two
Integer operations in Python

Note: There are numerous other operations that Python provides us with, which we will be learning in the upcoming operator section.

String operations

Let’s also concatenate two different strings together into a single string called new_string.

new_string = "You are" + " learning variables!"
String operations in Python

Note: If you want to add a space during concatenation, you’ll have to add it in the second string.

Just like this, you can perform any required operation on variables.