Getting Started with News API

Learn how to create an account on the News API website and get the required API key.

We'll cover the following

Create an account

We’ll begin by registering for an account on the News API website. Go to the News API registration page to get started.

Once you land on the registration page, follow these steps to create a profile:

  1. Fill in the required information.
  2. Select the option “I am an individual” below the “You are…” field. We’re selecting this option because it doesn’t require us to purchase a subscription.
  3. Solve the captcha.
  4. Check the box next to “I agree to the terms” after reviewing the terms.
  5. Click the “Submit” button, and your profile will be created.

Get the API key

Once you register, you’ll be redirected to another page like the one shown below:

Copy your API key from this page and save it using the code widget below. Click the “Edit” button and enter your API key. Click the “Save” button to save the key. Press the “Run” button below to validate your API key.

Press + to interact

Now that we’ve saved the API key, we can use it throughout the course.