Data Management
In this lesson, we will learn how to manage test data that are specific to the environment that we are running our test suite against.
Need for DataManager
Oftentimes, we will be using some static test data that is specific to an environment. The environment could be staging, production, development, etc. For maintaining the environment, we can have a separate class for managing that. This allows us to manage test data in an environment-agnostic way.
Creating DataManager
We can store the test data in any file format. For demonstration purposes, .properties
file is considered.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
public class DataManager {
private static final Properties PROPERTIES = new Properties();
private static final String ENV = ConfigurationManager.getInstance().getProperty("env");
private DataManager() throws IOException {
private static DataManager manager;
public static DataManager getInstance() {
if (manager == null) {
synchronized (ConfigurationManager.class) {
if (manager == null) {
try {
manager = new DataManager();
} catch (IOException e) {
return manager;
public String getString(String name) {
String key = ENV + "." + name;
return System.getProperty(key, PROPERTIES.getProperty(key));
private InputStream getInputStream(String file) {
try {
List<URL> urls = Collections.list(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources(file));
return urls == null || urls.isEmpty() ? null : urls.get(0).openStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
In the above code snippet, we are:
- creating a singleton instance of
class in thegetInstance
method. - reading properties file from
in the constructor of the class. - fetching the property key’s value from the
. If not present, then fetch from the properties fromsrc/test/resources/
. This gives us the flexibility to override the properties from the command line as well.
Creating a test data file #
should to be created under src/test/resources
, as it is a test resource, so that it can be read from classpath when running the test suite.
stage.user_email =
prod.user_email =
Here, we prefix the test data key with the environment and set their respective values.
Usage #
Assuming env
(or an environment that is passed as configuration from command line as -Denv=stage
) is set to some value and the respective values exist in src/test/resources/
in the format expected and discussed previously, we can access the value of the env
test data using the following code.
String userEmail = DataManager.getInstance().getString("user_email");
In the next lesson, we will learn how to put all the concepts learned till now and design a complete UI framework.
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