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GUI in Golang

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GUI Development

GUIs, short for Graphical User Interfaces, are user interfaces with a combination of buttons, icons, drop-down menus, and other features. Go Language has several libraries that may be used to develop GUI-based web or desktop applications.

svg viewer

Web-Based GUI


The App Package allows the creation of web-apps in Go, HTML, and CSS. It only supports development on macOS and web platforms.


The Go-Astilectron Package is an electron-based package that allows development in Go, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. It allows for cross-platform development and creates applications that run on special Chromium browsers.


The Go-Sciter package allows cross-platform development of desktop and embeddable applications with Go, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.


gowd allows cross-platform development with Go, HTML, CSS, and NW.js.

Desktop-Based GUI


Go-GTK allows the usage of GTK widgets in applications and is commonly used for development on Linux.


QT is a powerful platform that allows the development of cross-platform applications for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, Sailfish OS, and Raspberry Pi.


Webview is a basic platform for cross-platform development.


Walk, short for Windows Application Library Kit for Go, can be used to develop Windows-native applications.


graphical user interface
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