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What are enums in C?

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An enumeration(enum) is a special class that represents a group of constants. It is used to assign names to the integral constants, which makes​ a program easy to read and maintain.

The enum keyword is used to create an enum. The constants declared inside are separated by commas.

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By default, the first item in the list is assigned the value 00, the second item is assigned the value 11, and so on. The code below demonstrates this:

enum color {
int main()
// Initializing a variable that will hold the enums
enum color current_color = red;
printf("Value of red = %d \n", current_color);
current_color = green;
printf("Value of green = %d \n", current_color);
current_color = blue;
printf("Value of blue = %d \n", current_color);
return 0;

Assigning custom values to enum elements

enum suit {
club = 0,
diamonds = 10,
hearts = 20,
spades = 30
int main()
// Initializing a variable that will hold the enums
enum suit current_card = club;
printf("Value of club = %d \n", current_card);
current_card = hearts;
printf("Value of hearts = %d \n", current_card);
return 0;

Where to use enum

enum is used for values that are not going to change (e.g., days of the week, colors in a rainbow, number of cards in a deck, etc.​).

enum is commonly used in switch-case statements. The code below shows an example:

#include <stdio.h>
enum day {sunday , monday, tuesday,
wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday};
int main()
// Enums can also take their integer equivalent values
enum day today = 4;
case sunday:
printf("The day today is Sunday");
case monday:
printf("The day today is Monday");
case tuesday:
printf("The day today is Tuesday");
case wednesday:
printf("The day today is Wednesday");
case thursday:
printf("The day today is Thursday");
case friday:
printf("The day today is Friday");
printf("The day today is Saturday");
return 0;


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