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Build a Personal Portfolio with Hugo


Build a Personal Portfolio with Hugo

In this project, we’ll learn how to build a personal portfolio using Hugo to showcase our work to potential recruiters and the industry.

Build a Personal Portfolio with Hugo

You will learn to:

Create a Hugo application.

Learn how to create a static website using Hugo.

Learn to use CSS to style an application.

Learn to create a visually appealing and responsive personal portfolio site.


Web Development

Front-end Development


Basic understanding of HTML and CSS

Basic understanding of static site generators in Go



Hugo logo



Project Description

In this project, we’ll build a personal portfolio using Hugo that contains information about ourselves, a list of projects, and contact information. We’ll start with the initial skeleton Hugo project provided to you by default, allowing you to learn to create a static website step-by-step with Hugo from scratch.

Hugo is a static site generator written in the Go language. We’ll add content for different portfolio pages and then create layouts for each page. Once the layouts are created, we’ll style the layouts using plain CSS. We’ll build multiple pages for our portfolio, including the home page, a projects page, an about page, and a contact page.

The components in the application are styled with custom CSS to provide the initial template of the application.

The final portfolio will be as follows:

The “Home” page
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The “Home” page

Project Tasks



Task 0: Get Started


Develop the Header and Footer Sections

Task 1: Implement the Header Layout

Task 2: Style the Header Layout

Task 3: Implement and Style the Footer Layout


Develop the Home Page Section

Task 4: Set Up Content for the Home Page

Task 5: Implement the Home Page Layout

Task 6: Style the Home Page Layout


Develop the Projects Section

Task 7: Set Up the Content for the Projects Page Layout

Task 8: Implement the Projects Page Layout

Task 9: Style the Projects Page Layout


Develop the About Section

Task 10: Set Up the Content for the About Page Layout

Task 11: Implement the About Page Layout

Task 12: Style the About Page Layout


Develop the Contact Section

Task 13: Set Up the Content for the Contact Page Layout

Task 14: Implement the Contact Page Layout

Task 15: Style the Contact Page Layout
