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You will learn to:
Use the functional components of React.
Use the Axios library to connect React components to the Golang server.
Use MongoDB to store and retrieve data.
Use Gin framework to build APIs in the Golang.
Web Development
API Development
Full Stack Development
Web Frameworks
Intermediate understanding of React.js
Intermediate understanding of Golang
Basic understanding of MongoDB
Basic understanding of Gin Framework
Project Description
In this project, we’ll build a programmer skill querying application using MongoDB, Golang, and React. The application will allow users to add a new programmer, delete a programmer, and search for programmers based on a certain skill.
We’ll use the Gin framework for Golang to develop the back-end API to interact with the MongoDB database to fetch and store data. Gin is a web framework for building web applications and APIs in Golang. It provides a fast HTTP router and a set of essential middleware and utilities that help in developing efficient web apps.
After setting up the backend, we’ll implement the front-end components using React.js and add the create, delete, and search programmer functionalities. The finalized product will fetch the data from MongoDB via the Golang server and display it in the React functional components.
The final layout of the application will look like the following image:
Project Tasks
Task 1: Getting Started
Create the API Using Golang
Task 2: Create a User Model
Task 3: Implement a Handler to Create New User
Task 4: Implement a Handler to Delete a User
Task 5: Implement a Handler to Get All Users
Task 6: Implement a Handler to Filter Users on a Skill
Task 7: Set Up the Server
Create the Frontend Using React
Task 8: Create API Helper Functions
Task 9: Implement the Header Component
Task 10: Implement the ListProgrammers Component
Task 11: Develop the Home Page
Task 12: Implement the AddProgrammer Component