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You will learn to:
Use the functional components of React.
Use the Axios library to connect React components to the Node.js server.
Use Socket.IO to build real-time chat applications.
Use MongoDB to store and retrieve data through the Mongoose library.
Web Development
API Development
Web Frameworks
Basic understanding of React components and state management
Basic understanding of Node.js
Basic understanding of sockets
Basic understanding of JavaScript

Project Description
In this project, we’ll build a real-time chat app using Socket.IO. The application will allow users to follow and chat with different users in real time.
Socket.IO can be used to build a variety of applications that require real-time communication capabilities, such as streaming applications, document collaboration, and instant messaging. We’ll use Socket.IO to send messages to other online users. We’ll also use the Express framework for Node.js to develop the back-end API to interact with MongoDB to fetch and store data. After setting up the backend, we’ll implement the front-end components and add the messaging functionality. The finalized product will fetch the data from MongoDB via the Node.js server and display it in the React functional components.
The components in the application are styled with pre-written CSS and code to provide an initial template for an image-sharing application.
Project Tasks
Task 0: Get Started
Task 1: Run the Application
Create a Rest API Using Node.js
Task 2: Create a Chat Model
Task 3: Create a Message Model
Task 4: Create Chat Routes
Task 5: Create Message Routes
Develop the Chat Page
Task 6: Fetch User Chats
Task 7: Implement the ChatUser Component
Task 8: Fetch and Post Messages
Task 9: Implement the Message Component
Socket.IO Implementation
Task 10: Add and Get Users in Socket
Task 11: Set Up Socket.IO on Client Side
Task 12: Send and Receive Private Messages
Task 13: Send Messages from Client
Task 14: Fetch Online Users
Task 15: Implement the OnlineUsers Component