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Build a Chat App with React Native, Firebase, and Socket.IO
In this project, we will learn to create a chat application with React Native and Socket.IO. We will use Redux and Firebase for state management and data storage.
You will learn to:
Develop an application using React Native.
Use React hooks to manage local states and handle side effects.
Use Redux to manage the global state.
Use Firebase in a React Native application.
Use Socket.IO to facilitate real-time communication in a mobile application.
Create and style user interface components for a visually appealing application.
State Management
Mobile Application Development
UI Design
Socket Programming
Familiarity with the fundamentals of React, Redux, and React Native
Familiarity with React Native components and their usage
Familiarity with navigation, state management concepts, and React Hooks
Understanding of Firebase, Firebase authentication, and Firestore database
Familiarity with Socket.IO
React Native
Project Description
This project aims to develop a chat application using React Native, Redux, Firebase, and the Socket.IO library. We’ll use React Native components, including React hooks, Redux, Firebase authentication, and the Firestore database to develop the chat application.
The chat application will allow users to engage in one-on-one conversations with other users in real time. The users will also be able to see the online status of other users. Moreover, typing indicators within the chat interface will also be visible to the users. Furthermore, the chat application will allow users to clear or delete a particular chat. Lastly, the users can see the list of users they’ve previously conversed with. Additionally, the application will maintain and persist the users’ chat history.
After completing this project, we will gain proficiency in React Native application development and enhance our ability to create interactive chat applications.
Project Tasks
Task 0: Get Started
Task 1: Run the Application
Task 2: Open the Application in a Mobile View
Set Up Connections
Task 3: Set Up User Connections (Server)
Task 4: Set Up User Connections (Client)
Design User Interface for Available Users and Chat Screen
Task 5: Display Available Users
Task 6: Show the Online Status
Task 7: Design UI for an Individual Chat Screen
Implement Chat Features
Task 8: Send and Receive Messages
Task 9: Display Messages
Task 10: Store Messages in the Firestore Database
Task 11: Display Typing Indicators
Task 12: Design UI for Clear and Delete Chat Functionalities
Task 13: Implement the Clear Chat Functionality
Task 14: Implement the Delete Chat Functionality
Task 15: Display Ongoing Chats