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You will learn to:
Build dynamic web apps using React for a smooth user experience.
Develop a secure RESTful API with Express and Node.js for structured communication between the frontend and backend.
Implement Firebase Authentication to ensure secure user access.
Leverage Firestore’s real-time database capabilities to store application data.
API Integration
Full Stack Development
Basic understanding of React, its components, state management, and component lifecycle
Familiarity with Node.js and Express
Understanding of Firebase Authentication and Firestore's NoSQL database
Working knowledge of creating full stack web applications
Project Description
In this project, we’ll build a budget application, BudgetBuddy, using the FERN stack—Firebase, Express, React, and Node.js. This app will seamlessly integrate real-time updates through Firebase’s database, enabling users to manage their finances with instant visibility. We’ll create the frontend, powered by React, which will offer an interactive single-page experience, allowing users to navigate and update their budget effortlessly. Additionally, we’ll provide CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) functionalities for income, expenses, and budget allocation.
We’ll use Express and Node.js at the backend to manage a RESTful API that’ll securely handle data operations. We’ll use Firebase to handle user authentication to ensure data privacy, while server-side validation will guarantee accurate and reliable financial records. We’ll also create comprehensive reports to allow users to visualize their financial patterns and expenditure trends, enabling them to make informed decisions for better financial management.
Project Tasks
Get Started
Task 0: Set Up Firebase
Task 1: Start Servers
Create the Backend Server
Task 2: Define the Authentication Route
Task 3: Define Budget Routes
Task 4: Define Transactions Routes
Task 5: Define Reports Route
Implement User Authentication and Home Components
Task 6: Implement the User Authentication Components
Task 7: Implement the Home Component
Implement Transaction Components
Task 8: Implement the AddTransaction Component
Task 9: Implement the Transactions Component
Task 10: Implement the EditTransaction Component
Task 11: Implement the RemoveTransaction Component
Implement Budget and Reports Components
Task 12: Implement the Budget Component
Task 13: Implement the Reports Component