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Create a Classical-Quantum KNN Classifier Using Qiskit

Implement the KNN algorithm from scratch using quantum computing. Get an overview of the quantum computing concepts required to implement the project.

Create a Classical-Quantum KNN Classifier Using Qiskit

You will learn to:

Create and simulate a quantum circuit using Qiskit.

Encode classical data on quantum circuits.

Implement a quantum computing algorithm from scratch.

Leverage the quantum advantage for a machine learning problem.


Quantum Computing

Quantum Algorithms

Quantum Machine Learning


Hands-on experience with Python

Basic understanding of quantum computing

Basic understanding of machine learning

Intermediate understanding of linear algebra

Hands-on experience with Qiskit







Project Description

The kk nearest neighbor (KNN) classification is a supervised machine learning algorithm used to classify a sample based on the sample(s) nearest to it.

Qiskit is an open-source quantum computing software development kit (SDK) by IBM Quantum. One of the most popular quantum-computing SDKs, Qiskit allows gate-based implementation of quantum circuits. Moreover, Qiskit has dedicated frameworks for specific applications like finance and simulations.

In this project, we’ll implement a quantum algorithm to perform KNN classification. To achieve this objective, we’ll first create a quantum circuit on which the quantum KNN algorithm will be executed. After that, we’ll encode the dataset to the quantum circuit. Then, we’ll simulate the quantum circuit on a simulator and extract the kk nearest neighbor from the simulation results.

Unknown sample (gray square) classified as ‘red’ based on its nearest neighbor
Unknown sample (gray square) classified as ‘red’ based on its nearest neighbor

Project Tasks


Getting Started

Task 0: Project Overview

Task 1: Import Libraries


Data Preprocessing

Task 2: Import the Dataset

Task 3: Plot the Dataset

Task 4: Normalize the Dataset

Task 5: Split the Dataset


Data Encoding

Task 6: Understand the Encoding Technique

Task 7: Encode the Test Vector

Task 8: Encode the Training Data

Task 9: Create a Superposition of the Training Vectors


Creation of the Quantum Circuit

Task 10: Create the Quantum Registers

Task 11: Add the Registers to the Quantum Circuit

Task 12: Initialize the Quantum Registers

Task 13: Apply the Quantum SWAP Test to the Quantum Circuit

Task 14: Measure the Qubits


Simulation and Postprocessing

Task 15: Execute the Quantum Circuit

Task 16: Decode the Simulation Results

Task 17: Evaluate the Distances of the Training Samples

Task 18: Find k Nearest Neighbors

Task 19: Determine the Model Accuracy


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