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Decentralized Bank Application Using Solidity Smart Contracts

We'll deploy our smart contract to a local blockchain and connect it with an application that provides the basic functionality of a bank application: login, transferring funds, checking balance, and checking account history.

Decentralized Bank Application Using Solidity Smart Contracts

You will learn to:

Learn to integrate a smart contract within an application.

Develop a front-end bank application and connect it with a blockchain.

Understand Brownie library and smart contract functionality.

Build a React application from scratch.


Blockchain Deployment


Smart Contracts


Basic understanding of React and its components

Basic understanding of Flask

Basic understanding of contracts in Solidity

Basic knowledge of Python development






Project Description

In this project, we’ll build and deploy a simple bank application onto a blockchain. We’ll use our smart contract compiled using Solidity and Brownie.

We’ll use Flask to connect the contract with our front end, which is built using React. We’ll use GET requests to connect our application.

The image below shows the final layout of the application, which will be hosted locally.

Project Tasks


Set Up the Smart Contract

Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Write Your Smart Contract

Task 2: Compile the Contract

Task 3: Create Deployment Script


Set Up the React Application

Task 4: Create the Login Page

Task 5: Create Bank Dashboard

Task 6: Create App Logic

Task 7: Create Functions for GET requests and Update States


Use Flask to Connect Application to Contract

Task 8: Connect the Smart Contract

Task 9: Handle GET Requests


Run the Application

Task 10: Deploy Contract and Start Flask Server

Task 11: Start React Application


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