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Deploy a Smart Contract Using Brownie
In this project, we’ll write a smart contract in Solidity and deploy it using Brownie. We’ll demonstrate how to connect to a contract and then call its functions. We’ll also deploy the contract over the Sepolia testnet to demonstrate the challenges of real blockchain deployment.
You will learn to:
Write smart contracts in Solidity.
Deploy smart contracts on a local network and the Sepolia testnet using Brownie.
Access contract functions using
Build and sign transactions to execute functions.
Web 3.0 App Development
Blockchain Development
Blockchain Deployment
Basic understanding of Solidity
Basic understanding of Python
Basic understanding of
Project Description
Brownie is a framework commonly used for developing and testing smart contracts for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. It supports both Solidity and Vyper as smart contract languages, but we’ll use Solidity in this project.
Brownie is relatively comfortable for people who prefer Python over Truffle or Hardhat, which are JavaScript-based frameworks.
Before we get started with the project, we must have the following things:
- An Ethereum wallet such as MetaMask.
- Some Ether on the Sepolia testnet.
- A Web3 backend and
provider such as an Infura account.IaaS Infrastructure-as-a-Service
In the first part of the project, we’ll create a smart contract and deploy it on a local blockchain. We will write Python scripts that will interact with it. Later on, we’ll deploy the same contract on the Sepolia test network where other people can access our contract and try it out.
Project Tasks
Configure the Smart Contract
Task 0: Get Started
Task 1: Create a Smart Contract
Task 2: Compile the Contract
Deploy the Smart Contract
Task 3: Set Up a Local Blockchain
Task 4: Write a Deployment Script
Interact With the Deployed Contract
Task 5: Connect to the Contract
Task 6: Verify Contract Connection
Task 7: Call the Contract Functions
Deploy the Smart Contract on a Testnet
Task 8: Modify the Deployment Script
Task 9: Add a Custom Testnet and Deploy the Smart Contract
Interact With the Contract Deployed on Testnet
Task 10: Use the Console to Make Function Calls
Task 11: Use Scripts to Make Function Calls