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Deploying a Ruby-on-Rails Application on AWS Using SAM
In this project, we’ll deploy an e-learning course catalog website based on Ruby-on-Rails (ROR) to the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI. We’ll use different AWS commands on the CLI that are necessary for the serverless deployment of our custom application on the cloud. We’ll create AWS lambda functions, IAM users, and API Gateways throughout this project. In the end, we’ll have a fully functional serverless e-learning application running on the cloud.
You will learn to:
Understand the fundamentals of cloud formation
Explore the basics of the serverless architecture
Configure a Ruby-on-Rails application
Use AWS and SAM CLI commands to build and deploy a serverless application to the cloud
Cloud Deployment
Web Frameworks
Using AWS Cloud Services
Basic understanding of Rails framework
Basic understanding of serverless applications
Basic understanding of AWS CLI
Basic understanding of AWS cloud formation
Amazon S3
AWS Lambda
Ruby on Rails
AWS API Gateway
Project Description
In this project, we’ll deploy a custom ROR application to the cloud. This application will be an e-learning course catalog website. We’ll configure and install necessary packages, and make this application ready to be deployed on the cloud using AWS SAM command-line tools. Also, we’ll use AWS Lambda, a serverless and event-driven computing service.
Each course on our custom website will have a title, an image, an author name, a status indicating whether it is paid or free, a description, and a “Visit Website” button.
The image below shows the final layout of the website, which will be hosted on a dynamic URL.
Disclaimer: For most users, the AWS services used in the project are free, but a few users might be charged for some services. Please follow the links below for pricing information:
Project Tasks
Setup and Configuration
Task 0: Initial Setup
Task 1: Set Up Environmental Variables
Task 2: AWS CLI Configuration
Amazon Elastic Container Registry
Task 3: Log in to Amazon ECR
Task 4: Create an ECR Repository
Installing Dependencies and Bundle Configurations
Task 5: Bundle Configurations for Deployment
Task 6: Precompiling Assets
AWS Deployment
Task 7: Build Serverless Application
Task 8: Create Amazon S3 Package
Task 9: Deploy the Application
Task 10: Delete the Stack