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Develop a Microservice Using CakePHP


Develop a Microservice Using CakePHP

Learn to build a microservice application using CakePHP and MySQL.

Develop a Microservice Using CakePHP

You will learn to:

Develop models, views, and controller actions to build a CRUD application.

Connect MySQL with CakePHP.

Handle routing in CakePHP.

Perform record filtering using CakePHP actions.


Backend Development

Web Development



Working knowledge of CakePHP

Good understanding of PHP

Familiarity with MVC architecture




CakePHP logo


Project Description

In this project, we'll create a microservice to serve information about different movies using CakePHP. CakePHP is an open-source web framework based on PHP. It is well known for its convention over configuration structure. We'll use its MVC (Model View Controller) architecture to develop our application. We'll use MySQL to provide database support in the application.

With our microservice, we will be able to retrieve and list all movies as well as update and delete movies. We'll also add features in our microservice to add a new movie, view movies' synopses and filter existing movies based on title and genre.

We'll start by setting up the database. Next, we'll go on to develop model, view, and controller actions for our application. Finally, we'll handle the routing. CakePHP provides some default styling, but we'll use both default and custom styling in the application.

The final layout of the application
The final layout of the application

Project Tasks


Getting Started

Task 0: Introduction

Task 1: Connect Database


Develop Model for Database

Task 2: Create a Movies Table

Task 3: Create a Movie Entity


Develop Views and Controller Operations

Task 4: Create an Action to Retrieve and Search Movies

Task 5: Create a View to Display a Movies’ Data

Task 6: Create Action and View to Retrieve a Movie's Data

Task 7: Create Action and View to Add a New Movie

Task 8: Create Action and View to Update a Movie

Task 9: Develop Action and View to Delete a Movie


Handle Routing

Task 10: Define the Default Route for the Application
