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Extract Text from PDFs and Images Using Tesseract


Extract Text from PDFs and Images Using Tesseract

In this project, we’ll learn how to create a web-based application for text extraction using basic HTML and CSS for the frontend and Django for the backend. This project uses Tesseract, an open-source OCR engine, to extract text data from PDFs and images.

Extract Text from PDFs and Images Using Tesseract

You will learn to:

Create a text extractor using Django.

Extract text from images.

Extract text from PDFs.

Upload and process dynamically added files.


Web Development

Django basics


Basic knowledge of Django and its templates

Basic knowledge of Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Basic knowledge of CSS and Bootstrap




Project Description

Django is an open-source Python framework for creating the backend of web applications. It enables the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites without much hassle. Pytesseract is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool in Python that recognizes and detects hand-written and digitally printed text embedded in images.

In this project, we’ll use Django to create a web-based application for text extraction. We’ll use basic HTML and Bootstrap to create the application’s frontend and styling. The application will allow users to upload their images or PDF files and save them at specified location. Furthermore, we’ll use Tesseract, an open-source OCR engine, to extract text data from PDFs and images.

The basic layout of the application will be as follows:

The application’s final layout

Project Tasks


Get Started

Task 0: Introduction

Task 1: Create and Configure the App


Create the Front-end

Task 2: Create a Base View

Task 3: Create a File View


Create the Backend

Task 4: Create a File Handler

Task 5: Create a Text Extractor for Images

Task 6: Create a Text Extractor for PDF Files

Task 7: Create a File Checker

Task 8: Create a Function to Upload Files


Access the Application

Task 9: Update the File View

Task 10: Creating a Controller
