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Find the Inner Product of Two Quantum States Using the SWAP Test
In this project, we'll implement the SWAP test to find the inner product of two quantum states. We can use the SWAP test to determine the similarity between the two quantum states encoded on a quantum circuit.
You will learn to:
Create and simulate a quantum circuit using Qiskit.
Visualize the results of quantum simulation using dedicated packages.
Implement a quantum algorithm and verify its operation.
Compare the simulation results of a quantum algorithm with its theoretical calculations.
Quantum Computing
Data Visualization
Quantum Algorithms
Basic understanding of Python
Basic knowledge of linear algebra
Basic understanding of quantum computing
Project Description
As the technology employed in quantum computing is fundamentally different from classical computing technology, it requires an altogether different class of algorithms for implementing computational tasks. In fact, quantum algorithms is one of the most active areas of research in quantum computing.
The SWAP test is a quantum algorithm used to find the similarity between two quantum states encoded on a quantum circuit. Apart from the quantum state registers, the SWAP test has a single qubit which, after the implementation of certain quantum operations, is measured to determine the results. The results of performing the SWAP test on the quantum states and are described by the following two equations:
Here, and are the probabilities of getting the states and respectively after measurement.
Therefore, by using the SWAP test, we can determine the inner product and the similarity of two quantum states by using the following formula:
Project Tasks
Getting Started
Task 1: Import the Required Libraries
Task 2: Create a Quantum Circuit
Task 3: Apply a Hadamard Gate
Task 4: Apply a CSWAP Gate
Task 5: Apply a Measurement Gate
Task 6: Simulate the Quantum Circuit
Implement the SWAP Test
Task 7: Create the Data Registers
Task 8: Create the Quantum Circuit
Task 9: Apply the Quantum Gates
Task 10: Simulate the Circuit
Analyze the SWAP Test
Task 11: Create a Module swap_test()
Task 12: Test the swap_test() Function
Task 13: Compare the Results with Theoretical Calculations