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Integrate Your Microservice with GraphQL to Serve Data


Integrate Your Microservice with GraphQL to Serve Data

Learn to create a fast GraphQL API using the Strawberry library for schema and by integrating FastAPI with Masonite ORM for data storage and retrieval.

Integrate Your Microservice with GraphQL to Serve Data

You will learn to:

Use FastAPI, including routing, dependency injection, and response models.

Use GraphQL, including its query language, schema definition language, and resolver functions.

Use Masonite ORM to interact with databases, including creating tables, querying data, and performing CRUD operations.

Use Strawberry to define GraphQL schemas and resolvers, including defining types, queries, mutations, and subscriptions.


Web Frameworks

API Development

Backend Development


Intermediate understanding of FastAPI

Basic understanding of GraphQL

Basic understanding of Masonite ORM

Basic understanding of the Strawberry library




fastapi logo


Masonite ORM

Project Description

This project aims to integrate the FastAPI framework with GraphQL to efficiently serve data. We’ll achieve this by using Masonite ORM as the ORM and the Strawberry library to create the GraphQL API.

Masonite ORM is a powerful yet lightweight ORM that simplifies database management in Python. It offers a high-level API that interacts with various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite, making data storage and retrieval a breeze.

Strawberry is an easy-to-use GraphQL API for Python. It offers a type-safe API, which makes development and debugging experiences much smoother. It also natively supports async/await, which makes handling complex queries and mutations easy.

The FastAPI framework will provide a high-speed web server to handle thousands of requests per second. The GraphQL API will enable efficient data retrieval, allowing clients to query only the required data. This project will produce a fast, efficient, and type-safe API for managing data. This makes it ideal for various applications, such as e-commerce, social media, and content management systems.

Project Tasks


Manage the Database

Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Create Models

Task 2: Create Migrations

Task 3: Add Fields for User Table

Task 4: Add Fields for Post Table

Task 5: Add Fields for Comment Table

Task 6: Make the Migration

Task 7: Update the User Model

Task 8: Update the Post Model


GraphQL Integration

Task 9: Load the GraphQL

Task 10: Add Schemas

Task 11: Create Input Types for Mutation

Task 12: Define the Mutations and Queries

Task 13: Add Mutation for User

Task 14: Add Mutation for Post

Task 15: Add Mutation for Comment

Task 16: Add Queries for Data Retrieval
