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Product Review and Feedback System Using Next.js


Product Review and Feedback System Using Next.js

Learn how to build a product review and feedback system using Next.js and FastAPI.

Product Review and Feedback System Using Next.js

You will learn to:

Use FastAPI for building an API.

Use state management hooks to share data between functional components in Next.js.

Use Chart.js for data visualization.

Design and implement interfaces that are intuitive and visually appealing.


Web Frameworks

Web Development

Full Stack Development


Good understanding of JavaScript

Basic understanding of React

Basic understanding of Next.js



fastapi logo


Project Description

In this project, we’ll build a product review and feedback application. The application will allow users to create and submit reviews for a particular product. It will also allow users to view the analysis of the products, such as the most reviewed product and the average product rating.

We’ll use FastAPI to develop the back-end API for retrieving and storing products and their corresponding feedback. We’ll implement the frontend using Next.js. The finalized application will fetch the products from the server and allow users to add feedback based on certain parameters like the quality, availability, and utility of a product.

The components in the application are styled with pre-written CSS to provide an initial template of the application.

The final layout of the board will look like the following image:

The final layout of the feedback system
The final layout of the feedback system

Project Tasks



Task 0: Get Started


Develop Home Page

Task 1: Create the Environment Variable

Task 2: Create Routes for Products

Task 3: Create the Home Page

Task 4: Implement the Header Component

Task 5: Implement the Product Component


Develop the Review Dialog and Dashboard Page

Task 6: Create Header for the Dialog Box

Task 7: Create Functionality for Multistep Review Process

Task 8: Create Layout for the Dialog Box

Task 9: Implement the ReviewConfirmation Component

Task 10: Create the Dashboard Page
