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Secure Document Storage System Using Blockchain
In this project, we will deploy a smart contract written in Solidity. This smart contract will contain the logic to store documents on the blockchain. Moreover, the web application's frontend, which is implemented in ReactJS, will interact with the smart contract.
You will learn to:
Write smart contracts in Solidity.
Deploy a smart contract on Goerli testnet.
Integrate a smart contract with the frontend of a web app.
Blockchain Deployment
Web 3.0 App Development
Blockchain Development
Intermediate understanding of Solidity
Intermediate understanding of ReactJS
Project Description
In this project, you will build a blockchain system that stores e-documents efficiently, ensures the documents’ authenticity, and secures access to them so that no outsider can tamper with the documents.
The application will allow users to upload, edit, and delete documents using a specific owner account. Moreover, multiple users will be able to view a document simultaneously. The application will also allow the user to find any document uploaded on the blockchain.
First, you’ll write a smart contract and then deploy it on the Goerli testnet. Next, you’ll integrate your smart contract with the web app’s frontend.
Project Tasks
Task 0: Get Started
Create a Smart Contract
Task 1: Mint the Document
Task 2: Update the Document
Task 3: Burn the Document
Task 4: Map the Token URIs
Task 5: Get Token Metadata
Task 6: Deploy the Smart Contract on the Goerli Testnet
Integration of Frontend and Smart Contract
Task 7: Configure the Website with the Smart Contract
Task 8: Load Blockchain Data
Task 9: Connect to MetaMask Wallet
Task 10: Mint a New Document
Task 11: List the Minted Documents on the Web App
Task 12: Update an Existing Document
Task 13: Burn an Existing Token