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Develop a Serverless Blog Platform Using AWS SDK and Next.js


Develop a Serverless Blog Platform Using AWS SDK and Next.js

In this project, we will learn to develop a serverless blog platform using AWS SDK and Next.js.

Develop a Serverless Blog Platform Using AWS SDK and Next.js

You will learn to:

Design and implement interfaces that are intuitive and visually appealing.

Use AWS DynamoDB, AWS API Gateway, and AWS Lambda to create serverless API for managing CRUD operations.

Use AWS SDK to integrate AWS services into a web application.

Apply different AWS CLI commands to build the database and API.


Web Development

Serverless Application Model

Using AWS Cloud Services


Intermediate understanding of AWS CLI

Intermediate understanding of AWS SDK for JavaScript

Basic understanding of serverless applications

Basic understanding of Next.js




AWS Lambda

AWS API Gateway

Project Description

In this project, we’ll develop a serverless blog platform using AWS SDK and Next.js. This platform will allow users to manage a blog platform with functionalities such as creating, updating, deleting, and listing posts. To achieve this, we’ll design the platform’s architecture using AWS SDK, including serverless components like AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and AWS DynamoDB. We’ll build a simple frontend for the application with Next.js.

First, we’ll create a serverless API for managing CRUD operations using AWS SDK. We will then create a DynamoDB table, followed by Lambda functions for creating, updating, deleting, and retrieving posts. Next, we will deploy these Lambda functions to the AWS console. We will also create and deploy an API with AWS API Gateway and then an API using API Gateway.

Finally, we’ll create a layout to display the created blogs in a list format so that the users can see all the blogs efficiently. We’ll then enable the users to edit and delete a blog. The final version of the application will allow adding, updating, and deleting blogs from the application.

Project Tasks



Task 0: Get Started

Task 1: Configure AWS CLI


Backend with AWS SDK

Task 2: Create a DynamoDB Table

Task 3: Develop the Lambda Function for Creating a Blog Post

Task 4: Develop a Lambda Function for Updating a Blog Post

Task 5: Develop a Lambda Function for Deleting a Blog Post

Task 6: Develop a Lambda Function for Retrieving a Blog Post

Task 7: Develop a Lambda Function for Retrieving All Blog Posts

Task 8: Create and Deploy AWS Lambda Functions

Task 9: Create and Deploy an API with AWS API Gateway

Task 10: Create AWS API Gateway Integrations with Lambda Function

Task 11: Create API Gateway Routes


Frontend with Next.js

Task 12: Implement the PostModal Component

Task 13: Implement the PostsList Component
